Up to Now


And a hearty: Welcome!

I’ve chosen to take a different road for this little website. Rather than use a mere few words or name names I thought a different tack would be in order. Kind of push the boundaries of tried and expected writing of God, Jesus, the Bible and our future. This is probably too much and too late as I have recently graduated from seventy-five to seventy-six. I did not expect to get to this age and, indeed, I did a lot of stupid things to not deserve to get here. Alcohol being the traitor that almost killed me. a traitor to my physical well being that landed me for two and one half months in the hospital. That is now the past and the sun is out and shining brightly.

In case you hadn’t already guessed by my flamboyant methodology of writing, I am an ignorant Vietnam veteran who should have done a few things differently in my life and then I found the Bible. I knew it was around but, like so many, I thought it was for others who stayed by themselves and hid in dark places poring over old scrolls. Mildewed individuals who evaded the light of day. I could not have been more wrong but, then, being a Vietnam vet means I know how to do things wrong and live to tell about them.

Needless to state, the Bible saved my recalcitrant life. It reached out and told me that I was OK and all I needed to do was spend time reading and absorbing those words written so long ago. This I did because there was no longer any other refuge other than homelessness. That never happened and today I mix words up in a fine homemade soup of sentences and thoughts. The kitchen of my head is warm and inviting whereas it tried to kill me a decade ago.

I am not the only one though, am I? No, I certainly am not! Perhaps you to are feeling homeless, lonely, by yourself in your beliefs and wishing for some type of end to things. The end will come but it should never be by our own hand. It should come with faith that has saved you from yourself and brought a light of knowledge of good to your addled brain.

There is only one knowledge that saves and it is found in the Bible. Forget college, wealth, fast cars and life. Forget what others think and, instead, learn who you are in the eyes of God.. In His gaze you will find you are loved but you must put yourself before Him in prayer. Yes, prayer is your cell phone to reach Him. What, you thought He was using Verizon? No, He is listening and hoping that you will contact him and that line is intimate and you are the only one He listens to when you pray to Him through His Son, Jesus.

This is His stipulation not mine. I do it and it works wonderfully. I shouldn’t even be here because I was so dumbly lost and aching. He saved even my lazy brain and has gradually taught me how to use my mind for good. It is an eternal lesson. Are you going to be there to learn and find love, finally for you? You already have His love you just need to reach out to Him. I did and here I am.

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